Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Audacity of Hope

And the realization of hope.

No matter you veiws or your label, you have to say that today is a day of hope. A day of dreams realized(even if their not yours). And you can NOT look at this and not feel the stirring of HOPE!

Estimates top this crowd off at about 4 million.

Feed us for we are starving!


  1. That's alot of folks!

    Thanks for visiting my blog & I hope you come back around now and then.

    Jo :)

  2. Hi Geri, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have really enjoyed visiting here. You have do a wonderful job! Yours, Emily

  3. Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Did you really get to go to the inauguration??? SO JEALOUS!!!

  4. Fabulous photos -- I live about an hour from DC and we had a lot of people staying this way for the inauguration.


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